Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Natural Parenting

I have been doing a lot of research about parenting naturally... I have read a lot of helpful things but what it all comes down too is what feels right for the parent. Not what everyone else tell you, you can listen to their advice but you certainly don't have to take it. I say listen to your intution, be patient, think things thru before acting and also loving, show that you love them each and every moment. Give them lots of attention, and don't worry about the house being a little messy, those dishes can wait I assure you. Would you rather clean, clean, clean, or clean a little and get to enjoy the little things your child does as they growing? Feel whats inside what is naturally there, parenting comes naturally if you let it.


  1. Well said, great parenting does come from within as long as we are willing to listen.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I enjoy getting to know my readers.

    Your blog is wonderful. I love the lip balm and your apple nut muffins look yummy!

    Blessings, Elizabeth

  2. How cute are you guys!! I love your picture. I will definitly take the parenting advise. Of course, I will probably be calling you 5 years from now when we have kids and freaking out. So just giving you a heads up! Love you!

  3. Elizabeth: Thanks for the comment. I really hope you can benefit from my info :)

    Alicia, I know sweety, and I will have even more knowledge by them and also be more than happy to help, I love babies you know:P

    Hey if you have been married for 1 year then that means 4 years till you have kids :) lol Just being silly, I know you will when you are ready :)
