Thursday, July 15, 2010

How to make your own crayons!!!!

Skip all the toxins or even the chance, with this easy, fun recipe.

Things You'll Need:

1 part beeswax

1 part soap, grated (Glycerin works for harder crayons. Commercial bar soaps work for softer ones).

paste food coloring (found in the cake decorating aisle)

Soup cans

Large pot

Small candy molds or cookie cutters

Wax paper


Vegetable oil


# 1

Fill the pot with water about halfway up. Boil water in the pot.

# 2

Place the beeswax in a soup can and place the can in the boiling water.

# 3

Once the beeswax is melted, add grated soap. Stir until the soap melts and the mixture is smooth.

# 4

Add paste food coloring until you have the color you desire.

# 5

Coat your molds with a thin layer of vegetable oil. If you use cookie cutters, put them on a piece of wax paper on a flat surface.

# 6

Using pot holders to lift the can from the water, carefully pour the mixture into your molds. For cookie cutters, make sure to hold the cutters steady while you pour. Quickly place a heavy object such as a book on top of the cutter (if possible depending on the shape of the cutter) to ensure that the mixture doesn't leak out of the sides.

# 7

Allow the molds to cool. When they are cool to the touch, gently remove the hardened crayons. Then start coloring!

The picture I have above is of crayon rocks, they are awesome if you don't want to make your own!!

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