Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Things that keep people from going green/organic..

I feel it is neccisary to discuss what holds people back, and why it's hurting them, in more ways than one!

1. They don't want to pay extra.
        - Paying a little extra money now for healthy foods, keeps you from paying for doctor visits, helps you feel better, and may even extend your life. Things like light bulbs may cost more but they last longer, and save you money on your electric bill. Composting, keeps the amount of trash leaving your home, and your end result is nice soil for your garden, or if you aren't into that, I bet you know someone who will use it. There are lots of ways you can save by organic, like growing your own herbs and seasoning is way cheaper, and healthier than buying them.

2. They think it's more work.
        - It's really not. So you have to cook dinner instead of eating crap, that you don't know what's in it. But I bet if timed how long it took to cook and then how long it took to wait for your food at a fast food place, it wouldn't be so different, also eating at home is cheaper. Sure a little gardening means more work, but if you have small herb garden inside all it takes is the set up then some watering from time to time. Plus even if some things are more work, it's good for you to get moving.

3. They think they still need to eat as much.
         - When you begin to eat organic, you find that you don't need to eat as much. This is because you are actually getting the nutrients you need. When you eat processed foods you don't get what you need nutritionally, so your body tells you to eat more, resulting in weight gain and overeating. This can lead to problems like obesity, even diabeties.

4. It's not convienent enough.
     - Now a days organic is offered in more than places then it used to be. Try to plan ahead and bring your lunch, and if you absoluetly have to, pick something on the healthier side, like a veggie soup or a salad. You could even drop by the store and grab some fruit and yogurt, it doesn't take any longer than waiting at a fast food place.

5. They don't care.

6. They think it doesn't make a difference.
         - It absolutely makes a difference. It will improve your health, it supports the farmers struggling to help the planet, it helps mother nature, it shows your family and friends that you care, it saves you money, and a lot of organic organizations donate portions to help others in need, imagine if you were the one in need to feed their family. There are so many more!

7. People would rather spend their money on other things.

8. They think that because they won't be here later on earth that they don't need to care.

I understand that if you have a big family to feed it might hurt you budget a little, but there are ways around that. Just do some research!

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