Friday, March 25, 2011

Beeswax candles:

Not only do they naturally smell beautiful, they are much healthier for you and your home. Burning a beeswax candle not only scents the home beautifully, it also purifys it!

In a jar:

What you need:

- Beeswax

- Jar for candle

- 100% cotton twine

- Pyrex cup for melting

- Pot of hot water to set pyrex cup in

- Paper clip to weigh twine down when coating

How to do it:

1. Preheat oven to warm to warm your jar in so that the beeswax doesn’t crack when cooling.

2. Chop up beeswax or measure your beads into pyrex cup.

3. Melt beeswax stirring almost constantly.

4. Tie twine to paperclip and dip in melted beeswax and hanging in the jar to keep it straight and have somewhere for it to drip.

5. When your wick is dry gently pour your beeswax into jar and leave to cool completely before placing lid.

There you have it!


  1. I love it, may I steal this wonderful idea from you? Have you tried adding coloring to he wax, yet?

  2. Of course you can! I love mine. No I haven't added any color, but I am sure it would work fine. I love the all natural color because it goes with the look I have in the house. I am not sure what to use as far coloring goes though.. Something to look up..
