Thursday, March 24, 2011

Earth day crafts:

I am planning on starting these crafts next week. One craft per day will replace preschool for one week, as her spring break so to say!

I am so excited and these barely cost anything. I will try to make a post about each one on how to do them too. This may be my new favorite holiday, it is so much more exciting then the same old thing for other holidays :)

1. Make bath salts
2. Make bubbles for kids
3. Make bar soap with a kids kit
4. Make a rain stick.
5. Make a mud house with stuff outside!
6. Make pinecone birdfeeders.
7. Make a small composter (it will be a test run, but lots of learning too!)
8. Maybe we'll decorate boxes for recycling.
9. Make herb pots out of tin cans, painted and labeled.
10. Begin planting our garden.
11. Make beeswax candles, it's lots of fun to dip them over and over!
12. Make pouches with bath salts to give away.

So hopefully I can insipre you all to love this time of year and how we can re-use some of our trash to make fun learning and beautiful decorations for the kids to enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I love the herb planter idea! I saw that on Food Network a few days ago and it's definitely in my future :) My little herbies and strawberries are starting to sprout up and I'm so excited.
