Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Paper Mache post #1

Trying to keep the kiddo and myself busy over here, I re-descovered paper mache! The first thing is a rainstick. Now you can make a rainstick just like this without the paper mache, but I wanted a nice sturdy one. I used a push pin to make the holes and then shoved the toothpicks thru, I recommend pushing the toothpicks all the way as they keep falling out! I taped one end with a small round piece of cardboard, then left one side open for the filling which happens in post 2.

The second project I am making is a maraca:
I am using water balloons, if you are using big balloons you can use different fillings for the maraca sound, but I am using rice.

Use a funnel to fill the fill the balloon, then blow it up and tie it off.
Here is a picture of the first two, with the first layer.
The third thing I am doing is a small bowl, again using a water balloon and taping it to the cup like this:

I found an old lid to make the bottom of the bowl, and marked the balloon roughly where the bowls edge will be.
Here it is with it's first layer:
The paper mache paste I made was just 1/4 cup flour and water added to my desire. It was the perfect amount for all of these projects first layer.

I wanted my things to be eco friendly, and non toxic. So we have the use of old newspaper, and flour and water is non toxic. When we are finished I want to try to make my own paint, so it's non toxic too.

More about that in post #2. (Soon to come)

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