Monday, December 27, 2010

Minimalist baby!

Literally. LOL

Now that I've had a child, I can quickly realize what I needed and what I didn't! But also taking into account that all this baby gear is really just a parents way of pawning the child off. Again I say this not to criticise anyone, as I have every baby thing you can think of. I do however feel like there are lots of things that we don't need.

Baby floor play mats where the stuff hangs above their head... Whats wrong with a blanket and some toys? They will be more encouraged to roll over and explore.

A bouncer seat. It's just a chair you set them in. Whats wrong with your arms? If you need to do something use a sling. They will enjoy being close and seeing what your doing.

Baby bath. Sure I used mine with my daughter but to be perfectly honest the thing drove me crazy. It took up more space then we had. It was pain to clean. Why not use the sink or even get in the bath with them.

Wipe warmer... um yeah never needed it never will. Baby won't notice if you never used one in the first place. Plus they get all dried out. Again these are just my opinions, and I hoenesty don't care what anyone thinks of me and how I choose to live. Not to be rude or anything but why should I? I should live the way I feel is best for me. And you should live the way you feel you should.

Walker. This is iffy, I used ours a lot but it was mostly to keep my girlie from getting into stuff, and when I didn't have room that was where she ate. But I really just wonder what the point is. Wouldn't you rather teach them to walk and help them strengthen their legs, rather then relying on something else? It's a good arm work out for mom too!

Sit up bath seat... same thing as before...

This list really could go on and on. But I just needed to make a point. We are all crazed over getting what we think we need to be a good parent but all this stuff doesn't matter. Quality time with the kiddo's does.

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