Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's not easy.

I will admit I am totally ready to purge my home of unwanted and unused things. But I will mention to you all that it is not easy. Just the thought alone of how much stuff I have makes you want to hide away and wish it away. But we all know this will not happen! Small steps are the only way to make this happen, and to keep it from happening again. It is also an on going process. Stuff just piles into your life, and you have to keep control of it, or you'll be back to number 1.

A good start for me several months ago was to pick 4-5 things everyday and give it to goodwill. I would have given some stuff to people who I "thought" needed it, but the truth is they don't need it either, and if they did I would know.

I constantly have a pile that is deemed the goodwill pile. Sure that pile in the corner gets annoying, even after a day or two, but it is a reminder of what needs to go. But the trick to this all, is saying NO to anymore stuff. And if you allow something in, one or two things go in it's place.

I know how hard it is... Especially when my grandma (bless her heart) calls every few weeks asking me if she can give me this and give me that.. It has been a hard lesson to tell her that I have no room in home for anymore things, especially with baby #2 on the way. I know that I wrote I would offer my stuff to people who needed it but in all honesty, not many people read my blog, and why would I want to pawn stuff off on people when here I am telling them that it's crowding their life?

It's good to think about things and change our minds. It shapes us.


  1. Any suggestions on struggling w/ getting rid of things? I try to get rid of something and then think, I'll wear this again or I might use it. Ahh! I'm becoming a hoarder! No, but really, my biggest struggle is clothes. I always convince myself I will wear them again...

  2. My best suggestions: start with first, we become emotionally attached to our possesions. We have memories of what happened when we wore those specific clothes, that is the root of the problem. The next step is realizing that if we haven't worn it in some time, we probably never will again. Another thing to keep in mind, life will provide us with what we need if we let it. Letting things go feels good, and I have to admit after all the de- cluttering I have done, there is NOT ONE single thing I miss. Sometimes it helps to take a picture of that item, then let it go, eventually you'll let the picture go too! Hopefully this helps. And thanks for the response, I am going crazy wondering how crazy I am writing all this stuff. But this is what is going on for me right now. I want to cherish my time with my husband and kids and leave the rest behind. I just think when I die what will be my last thoughts? I will probably be thinking about all the things in my life that I did, with my family, friends, how I shaped my kids to be what they are... not that I worked my ass off to have expensive shit and now I lost all that time with my loved ones... lol sorry for the babble! I love you!

  3. Thanks sweetie! I will definitly try that! We are probably moving to a new place next year so that is always a great time to declutter!! I love reading your blog! You have a totally different perspective on things! Your perspective is refreshing! Love you too!!

  4. Yeah I am hoping we move soon, I know we are probably signing another year lease here come march, but after that I really hope to go somewhere else, and have new experinces(another reason for the de clutter). Thanks for your support! I just try to get the most out of life but being sure that I am not leaving turmoil behind for my children. I can't really put it into words, but thank you!
