Thursday, December 23, 2010

Minimalism, plus natural

Today mother in law stopped by to grab something she needed for the holiday dinner tomorrow, and I couldn't help but notice she was rushing around and in a huge hurry. And this my friends is what it is like every year. Sad but true. Why do we spend the holidays rushing like crazed people all to get there and then it's over.

First, we make a lot of work for ourselves. Buying tons of stuff and spending hours wrapping them. Sending out a load of cards, which is nice but what about the impact that has on the world? Lets look at it. Tons of wrapping paper being thrown away after one use. ONE use. Cards being the same thing. It is nice to recive a card from a family member far away. But whats wrong with a phone call? And also I want to mention, I am writing these things as I think them, yes I sent out bunch of cards with pictures for lots of friends and family, I am not criticing you. I am only making my own realizations in hopes that I can change them for next time.

Second. I do not want to live my life rushing around. I want to have time to enjoy the things I choose to do. When we go for a hike do we run all the way, then back? No, we take our time enjoying each little sound, smell, sight. Why can't we do this now? I understand that the world we live in requires us to work and that makes it hard for us to stop and smell the roses, but when your home plan your time to do what you really want to do. So as my mother in law drove away, I embraced the moment, wanting to not forget what I had just witnessed and thought about the actions made.  I freshly squeezed, by hand no tools involved 2 oranges for my daughter to have a little drink of juice. Sure not a lot of juice came from it, but you know what? It felt good to this. It felt good to embrace the moment and remember that once in this life, that is how it was done without all the fancy gadgets and that doing it that way made them stronger.

There are lots of things we can do instead of this crazy rushing around, and be able to enjoy the very few moments we have on earth. Instead of buying presents, go do something with the people you want to give a gift for. The possibilities are endless. Offer to babysit, take a hike together, prepare a meal together.... There are soooo many things you can instead.!!! This cuts back on all the packaging, which is a waste, as well as the consumerism that takes place eash year, and is growing. The more people there are the more we take from the earth. You know we all say we love our kids but don't we want them to have a nice planet to live on like we do?

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