Saturday, December 18, 2010

Minimalism..... The first of many posts to be..

First we need to think about what is really important in each of our own lives. Then take a step back and think if that is really important or just what we think should be. I look at the holidays and see people being crazed with buying tons of stuff, (yes I am a culpriut of it and even this year).. however, doesn't it feel like too much when it's all over and done? What makes us think we need all this? Is ther even a place in your home for it to go? Without moving a ton of stuff and cramming it in? There are many answers to this, this being one. The media, commercials, the famous/ rich.... We are all raised to think that we are nothing without money, but the truth is we are so much more than all that.

My husband and I have struggled for years to make things "better". But the truth is we make them work no matter what the circamstances are, because we are a family and we love eachother. We don't need some big fancy house, all we really need is a little place, just enough for each of us to be comfortable. And all the crap that comes with having a huge house, I don't need it either. To think of what we really need is what we use each day. Yeah things like waffle makers are nice to have but when I think about it, I have used it once. ONE time in over a year. I have no desire to dig it out of the cubbord or even deal with the amount of cleaning it will need. I would rather spend that valuable time with my children and husband.

When you really break it down, you start to see all the stuff around you and think about what purpose it serves. You may be attatched to it for sentimental reasons, like a lost loved one, but one material cannot take place of the memories you have with them.

I have read a significant amount about becoming a minimalist. And every day I want it more and more. I am not saying sell it all and live out of a backpack. I am simply saying that the more clutter we have the more time consuming it is to have it all.

The things we own end up owning us.

They take up our time we have so little of.

To have less means: less cleaning, less clutter, less things that break and are cheap. When you have less you are more likely to spend a little bit more money on something that needs replacing instead of having so many things to replace that you buy it as cheap as it gets and breaks again soon anyways.

There is so much more I can say about all this, but it's time for me to go. I treasure the time I have!


  1. You got it!!! it's not having the most of everything, but making the most of what you have.

  2. What's best about minimalism is that when you spend less money on things that you don't need, you can spend what you save on higher quality of things that you DO need (i.e. healthful food, clothing, and other essentials).

    Also, as you start your adventure with minimalism, it gets easier as you go. I noticed that getting rid of a few things here and there eventually led to me making huge decisions like getting rid of my television and other things I once thought I couldn't live without.

  3. :) And it saves money, I have read that lots of people who have become more minimalistic even have more money to take vacations!!

  4. Thanks Shelby!! We posted at the same time lol

  5. I agree! I would rather spend my money on a nice vacation to Europe or a weekend trip to the mountains! The memories and experiences you have are worth more than any "stuff" you could buy!

  6. Alicia, I agree! If I really think about it, I can't for the life of me ever remember any gifts I have gotten maybe a few but what I remember is the times and things I did with people. Like coming over to your house during the holidays and even playing with the cat, out in the yard and taking pictures. I would rather have money to take a vacation then to pack my home full of crap you know!! We went to disneyland together and that is one of the most memerable things, even my europe trip. I want my family to remeber family times together not that we bought a bunch of crap every year!!!

  7. Yes! Disneyland was an experience of a lifetime! I will never forget it. The only gift I can remember was cock-a-doodle squirt.
