Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My new blog, my new life...

I want to let you all know that I started a new blog. I feel my posts about minimalism should be in it's own category so that the people who enjoy my green tips can keep having those!!

So if you like my minimalism posts here is the new blog.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's not easy.

I will admit I am totally ready to purge my home of unwanted and unused things. But I will mention to you all that it is not easy. Just the thought alone of how much stuff I have makes you want to hide away and wish it away. But we all know this will not happen! Small steps are the only way to make this happen, and to keep it from happening again. It is also an on going process. Stuff just piles into your life, and you have to keep control of it, or you'll be back to number 1.

A good start for me several months ago was to pick 4-5 things everyday and give it to goodwill. I would have given some stuff to people who I "thought" needed it, but the truth is they don't need it either, and if they did I would know.

I constantly have a pile that is deemed the goodwill pile. Sure that pile in the corner gets annoying, even after a day or two, but it is a reminder of what needs to go. But the trick to this all, is saying NO to anymore stuff. And if you allow something in, one or two things go in it's place.

I know how hard it is... Especially when my grandma (bless her heart) calls every few weeks asking me if she can give me this and give me that.. It has been a hard lesson to tell her that I have no room in home for anymore things, especially with baby #2 on the way. I know that I wrote I would offer my stuff to people who needed it but in all honesty, not many people read my blog, and why would I want to pawn stuff off on people when here I am telling them that it's crowding their life?

It's good to think about things and change our minds. It shapes us.

Monday, December 27, 2010



Just do it. It has made a huge difference in my life, my happiness, my patients, and what I am thankful for everyday.

Minimalist baby!

Literally. LOL

Now that I've had a child, I can quickly realize what I needed and what I didn't! But also taking into account that all this baby gear is really just a parents way of pawning the child off. Again I say this not to criticise anyone, as I have every baby thing you can think of. I do however feel like there are lots of things that we don't need.

Baby floor play mats where the stuff hangs above their head... Whats wrong with a blanket and some toys? They will be more encouraged to roll over and explore.

A bouncer seat. It's just a chair you set them in. Whats wrong with your arms? If you need to do something use a sling. They will enjoy being close and seeing what your doing.

Baby bath. Sure I used mine with my daughter but to be perfectly honest the thing drove me crazy. It took up more space then we had. It was pain to clean. Why not use the sink or even get in the bath with them.

Wipe warmer... um yeah never needed it never will. Baby won't notice if you never used one in the first place. Plus they get all dried out. Again these are just my opinions, and I hoenesty don't care what anyone thinks of me and how I choose to live. Not to be rude or anything but why should I? I should live the way I feel is best for me. And you should live the way you feel you should.

Walker. This is iffy, I used ours a lot but it was mostly to keep my girlie from getting into stuff, and when I didn't have room that was where she ate. But I really just wonder what the point is. Wouldn't you rather teach them to walk and help them strengthen their legs, rather then relying on something else? It's a good arm work out for mom too!

Sit up bath seat... same thing as before...

This list really could go on and on. But I just needed to make a point. We are all crazed over getting what we think we need to be a good parent but all this stuff doesn't matter. Quality time with the kiddo's does.

Minimalism #5 Testing...

So every monday I find myself dreading doing the sinkful of dishes. Sure I leave it for myself so that I can spend that time with family. But the reality of it is that less is more. First if I have less dishes then there's less to do. Second, doing them right away saves a lot of water and time. Think of all the water that is used when trying to scrub a crusty dish.. Third, I have decided to pack away one set of my three, and see if I miss them in a month. I may even go for the second. When having lots of people over, don't buy paper plates and such, but do finger foods, or if you get a pizza people won't mind at all.

So the test begins.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

As the new year, nears...

We begin to think about what our new years resolutions will be. For me, I always make them and then I do nothing. The best thing to do is when you want to do something like work out more, or eat healthier, why not start now? And instead of trying to do a bunch of new things at all one time, do one thing at a time.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Minimalism, plus natural

Today mother in law stopped by to grab something she needed for the holiday dinner tomorrow, and I couldn't help but notice she was rushing around and in a huge hurry. And this my friends is what it is like every year. Sad but true. Why do we spend the holidays rushing like crazed people all to get there and then it's over.

First, we make a lot of work for ourselves. Buying tons of stuff and spending hours wrapping them. Sending out a load of cards, which is nice but what about the impact that has on the world? Lets look at it. Tons of wrapping paper being thrown away after one use. ONE use. Cards being the same thing. It is nice to recive a card from a family member far away. But whats wrong with a phone call? And also I want to mention, I am writing these things as I think them, yes I sent out bunch of cards with pictures for lots of friends and family, I am not criticing you. I am only making my own realizations in hopes that I can change them for next time.

Second. I do not want to live my life rushing around. I want to have time to enjoy the things I choose to do. When we go for a hike do we run all the way, then back? No, we take our time enjoying each little sound, smell, sight. Why can't we do this now? I understand that the world we live in requires us to work and that makes it hard for us to stop and smell the roses, but when your home plan your time to do what you really want to do. So as my mother in law drove away, I embraced the moment, wanting to not forget what I had just witnessed and thought about the actions made.  I freshly squeezed, by hand no tools involved 2 oranges for my daughter to have a little drink of juice. Sure not a lot of juice came from it, but you know what? It felt good to this. It felt good to embrace the moment and remember that once in this life, that is how it was done without all the fancy gadgets and that doing it that way made them stronger.

There are lots of things we can do instead of this crazy rushing around, and be able to enjoy the very few moments we have on earth. Instead of buying presents, go do something with the people you want to give a gift for. The possibilities are endless. Offer to babysit, take a hike together, prepare a meal together.... There are soooo many things you can instead.!!! This cuts back on all the packaging, which is a waste, as well as the consumerism that takes place eash year, and is growing. The more people there are the more we take from the earth. You know we all say we love our kids but don't we want them to have a nice planet to live on like we do?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Minimalism #4

Today I will be hitting the bathroom. Yes you read right, the bathroom, who needs a whole basket full of chapstic. Thats all.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Minimalism #3 - Extensive cleaning

I will keep track of the cleanouts I do by writing it on here. It will not only give you a guide to go by but also something to think about.

Today I am cleaning out all sock and underwear drawers. It's a small start but while being pregnant and so close to the holidays I am taking it easy and step by step!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Healthful tip #5

Instead of filling your kids stockings with candy, put a toy or two (books are good) in it, with a little things of apple juice and muffins. You know kids want to eat first thing in the morning, why not provide a healthy eat? I am not saying don't get candy, just offer the healthy foods first! I am making this a tradition in my house!

Minimalism, post #2

The first part of my journey to becoming more minimal is to get rid of things we don't use and haven't used in a long time. Things that I have several of, who needs more than one? I want you all to know that I am not throwing these things away, I feel like it is such a waste. So I always goodwill it. BUT, before I goodwill anything I want to let all of my friends and readers know that they are welcome to it first. Maybe it's something you would like to have or maybe you even need. Here is a list, let me know if there's anything your interested in! After christmas I will be making a trip to the goodwill, so you have time to let me know! I will be adding to this list as well in other posts.

A crock pot
2 big stuffed animals
1 mini food processor
Baby bouncy chair, it sits on the floor.
Some placemats, made of cloth various colors
An office chair
A few christmas decorations
A bag of clothes
A mini tv
Some VHS tapes

I will keep you all posted! Happy holidays!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Minimalism..... The first of many posts to be..

First we need to think about what is really important in each of our own lives. Then take a step back and think if that is really important or just what we think should be. I look at the holidays and see people being crazed with buying tons of stuff, (yes I am a culpriut of it and even this year).. however, doesn't it feel like too much when it's all over and done? What makes us think we need all this? Is ther even a place in your home for it to go? Without moving a ton of stuff and cramming it in? There are many answers to this, this being one. The media, commercials, the famous/ rich.... We are all raised to think that we are nothing without money, but the truth is we are so much more than all that.

My husband and I have struggled for years to make things "better". But the truth is we make them work no matter what the circamstances are, because we are a family and we love eachother. We don't need some big fancy house, all we really need is a little place, just enough for each of us to be comfortable. And all the crap that comes with having a huge house, I don't need it either. To think of what we really need is what we use each day. Yeah things like waffle makers are nice to have but when I think about it, I have used it once. ONE time in over a year. I have no desire to dig it out of the cubbord or even deal with the amount of cleaning it will need. I would rather spend that valuable time with my children and husband.

When you really break it down, you start to see all the stuff around you and think about what purpose it serves. You may be attatched to it for sentimental reasons, like a lost loved one, but one material cannot take place of the memories you have with them.

I have read a significant amount about becoming a minimalist. And every day I want it more and more. I am not saying sell it all and live out of a backpack. I am simply saying that the more clutter we have the more time consuming it is to have it all.

The things we own end up owning us.

They take up our time we have so little of.

To have less means: less cleaning, less clutter, less things that break and are cheap. When you have less you are more likely to spend a little bit more money on something that needs replacing instead of having so many things to replace that you buy it as cheap as it gets and breaks again soon anyways.

There is so much more I can say about all this, but it's time for me to go. I treasure the time I have!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winter wonderland...

We went for a nice walk in the nice weather, might I add it was supposed to be snowing but we got sunshine instead! It felt so good, and I know my body really needed it. So many people just bunk up in the winter but I have taken a vow, I have been walking every day, and doing my yoga and squats like I should to prepare for giving birth. But might I also say that sitting around all winter then getting your excercise thru the summer may be harder on your body. If you keep it up thru the winter then you'll be stronger when summer comes instead of starting over ever year.

She was refusing a picture, as she wanted to keep going :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Having a greener christmas:

1. Use cloth bags for wrapping, you can get cloth ribbon and use for bows
2. Buy used if you can that saves packaging

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Healthful tip #4:

Eating a salad with dinner ensures your getting plenty of veggies!! We usually eat ours first!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Healthful tip #3:

This might sound crazy but shop with out the kiddos! Anytime you can that is. Whenever I shop without the kiddo I come home with healthier foods and better planned meals. Without all the distractions you can think clearer and you also have those few extra seconds to think about what your buying and if you really need it. Did I mention my bill is considerably less?