Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Baking soda is amazing!

Check this out, I intend to try some of these things!!!!


Monday, June 28, 2010

My garden:

Finally sprouted!!! After 3 trys of learning and mistakes I finally got it! This is my very first garden so I had to expirment. This pic is of my little corn!!! I am soo proud!

How to make rice milk:

This is sooo simple and at the same time saves a lot of money and plastic packaging.

1 cup of brown rice
8 cups of water and extra for mixing
strainer (cheese cloth or stainless steel)
Jars for storing

Boil one cup of rice with 8 cups of water for 3 hours, it will be like pourage. Then fill half your blender with with pourage and then water with other half. Blend until smooth. And strain, sometimes depending on how think you want it, you may strain twice. Store in jars, shake before use :) Have fun I love this. One batch will last my daughter 2 weeks.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Make your own popsicle

I bought these and I love them!

Instead of buying popsicles that have all that packaging and are full of unnecessary sugar, you can make your own, I like to blend fresh fruit and a little agave nectar and freeze them, they are yummy and nutritious. Some people like to blend a little fresh spinich into them as well and you can't even taste it. Get creative, have fun, eat healthy, and cool down! There is so much you can do with these!

More ways to save on plastic

1. Buy items that have less packaging on them, plastic can be totally avoidable but it's not an easy task.

2. The dishclothes I bought had no packaging at all so I got those instead of some covered in plastic packaging.

3. Make your own cleaners, all you have have to do is google it and find the ones you'd like!

4. Can your own food. I would like to can a few things this year. Mostly stuff that I get locally so I can have all those fresh things thru the winter!

5. Make produce bag..http://www.squidoo.com/string-bag

6. And heres a big one, Composting, save a lot of trash that goes to landfills, and try to get the bio-degradable trash bags.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Today I switched from sponges to dish cloths..

We will see how this goes,I am anxious to see what my outcome is. I know that throwing away sponges is such a huge waste, and they get smelly real fast. So I thought a dish cloth that I could wash when it gets bad might help.. Not a huge saving but to me it saves money and creates less waste. I will have some new posts coming soon.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Going green facts:

I stumbled upon this and thought it could be some useful information!

Achieving a 20% wind contribution to U.S. electricity supply by 2030 would reduce CO2 emissions by 25%.
Wind power is the fastest growing source of energy in the world.
Wind power capacity grew by 45% in 2007, but only represents about 2% of the nation’s total electricity supply.
Conventional, fossil-fuel electricity production is the leading cause of industrial air pollution in the U.S. and leads to other social problems including water pollution and lung disease.
In the U.S. alone, buildings account for 72% of electricity consumption.
The U.S. uses 25% of the world’s oil, but only has 3% of the world’s oil reserves.
Coal-fired power plants and the pollution they release every day are a major threat to human health and our environment.
Burning coal accounts for half of America’s electricity production.
New wind power capacity completed in 2008, according to initial estimates will avoid up to 44 million tons of carbon emissions the equivalent of taking 7 million cars off the road
According to the World Wind Energy Association, worldwide, wind energy is expected to grow 25% in 2009.
Go Green Facts –

Buildings represent over 50% of US wealth
$800 billion – amount of renovation & new construction in US (13% of GDP) in 1993
Buildings account for:
1/6 of the world’s freshwater withdrawals;
1/4 of its wood harvest
2/5 of its material and energy flows
Go Green Facts -
Energy Use

in 2008, Americans and Energy Star saved enough energy to power 10 million homes and avoid greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from 12 million cars while saving $6 billion USD
+ 5,000,000 – Combined # of commercial and industrial buildings in the US
$202.3 billion – Combined annual energy costs for US commercial and industrial buildings
30% – Portion of energy in buildings used inefficiently or unnecessarily
45% – Combined percentage of US Greenhouse Gas emissions generated by commercial buildings
10% – Percentage of energy use reduction targeted by the ENERGY STAR Challenge
$20 billion – Amount of money that would be saved if the energy efficiency of commercial and industrial buildings improved by 10%
Global Energy Facts

1 Btu – The approximate energy release in the burning of a wood match
99.89 quadrillion Btu – Total energy used in the US each year
86% – Portion of US annual energy use created by the combustion of fossil fuels
6,000 million metric tons – Amount of global carbon dioxide (CO2) release into the atmosphere in 2005
20% – US contribution of global greenhouse gas emissions
5% – US population relative to the world
70% – Amount of greenhouse gas emissions that have increased between 1970 and 2004
1995 – 2006 – Period of time in which 11 of the 12 warmest years on record have occurred
Go Green Facts –

Recycling 1 Ton of paper saves:

17 mature trees
7,000 gallons of water
3 cubic yards of landfill space
2 barrels of oil; and
4,100 kw hours of electricity (enough to power a home for 5 months)
500,000 – number of trees cut down to produce each week’s Sunday newspapers
25,000,000 – number of trees saved a year IF every American recycled just 1/10 of their newspapers
75,000 – number of trees saved recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times
250,000,000 – number of trees saved if all our newspaper was recycled
The average American uses 7 trees a year
1 Billion – estimated number of trees worth of paper thrown away every year in the US
85,000,000 Tons - amount of paper Americans use per year
17 trees saved can absorb a total of 250 pound of carbon dioxide; burning 17 trees would create 1500 pounds of carbon dioxed
More than 56% of paper consumed in the US in ‘07 was recycled! That equals 360 pounds for each person in the Country!
400 paper mills use recovered materials for their paper producing process
Go Green Facts –

5 Billion Gallons – amount of water used to flush toilets each DAY!
Americans use an average of 100 gallons of water each day!
Surveys show 36 states anticipate water shortages by 2013!
If all US residential homes installed water-efficient appliances, the country would save more than 3 Trillion Gallons of water and more than $18 Billion dollars per year!
If 1 out of every 100 residential homes converted to water-efficient fixtures, we would roughly save 100 Million kWh of electricity per year and 80,000 Tons of GHG (GreenHouse Gas Emissions). That’s roughly taking 15,000 vehicles from the road for 1 year!
Between 1950 and 2000, the US population nearly doubled. However, in that same period, public demand for water more than tripled! Go Green, save water.
If your toilet is from 1992 or earlier, you probably have an inefficient model using at least 3.5 up to 6 Gallons per flush! Now you can install 1.3 Gallons per flush or Zero-Gallons per flush!
Faucets generally flow 2 Gallons per minute. Save 8 gallons every time you brush your teeth by turning the faucet off.
Today’s faucets run as low as 0.5 gallons per minute!
Today’s showerheads run as low as 1.0 gallons per minute!
56 billion kWh per year – the amount of electricity consumed by public water supplying and treating facilities!
5 minutes of a running faucet equals roughly a 14 hour run time of a 60-watt light bulb
Bath = 70 gallons of water
Shower = 30 gallons of water (change your showerhead to a low-flow head (1 gallon/minute))
Outdated washing machines use about 40 gallons per load
Newer, efficient washing machines use less than 28 gallons per load
Using too much water also significantly contributes to “nonpoint source pollution.” This is when water moves across the ground, collecting pollutant from various sources, and eventually depositing them into our drinking water. Failing to use water efficiently can hurt our water supply by:
Altering stream flows due to excessive withdrawals increasing the amount of dirty runoff water that flows into natural water supplies. This runoff water carries sediments, mutrients, salts, and other pollutants and can be caused, among other things, by overirrigating urban landscapes or farm fields. Nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are naturally occurring, but habitats can be destroyed when excess amounts of any one nutrient, especially phosphorus, are concentrated in the soil or water
Creating the need to build additional dams. Dams generate nonpoint source pollution by trapping sediment and other pollutants, affecting water quality both upstream and downstream. This concentrates pollutants, causes sediment in the river to pile up, decreases dissolved oxygen and alters water temperatures.
Go Green Facts -
Plastic / Styrofoam

2,500,000 – plastic bottles used every hour by Americans
Recycling plastic saves twice as much energy as burning it the incenerator
25,000,000,000 – amount of styrofoam cups thrown away every year
Go Green Facts -

Every ton of recycled steel saves 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 1,000 pounds of coal, and 40 pounds of limestone.
Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for 3 hours – equivalent to a half gallon of gas.
Recycling aluminum saves roughly 95% of the energy needed to produce new aluminum from raw materials.
Energy saved by recycling 1 ton equals the amount of energy the average American home consumes over a 10 year period!
Americans throw away enough aluminum they could rebuild our commercial air fleet in 1 month!
Recycling tin and steel saves 74% of energy used to prodcue virgin steel.
100 Million – amount of cans used per day!
350,000 – aluminum cans produced every minute
More aluminum goes into beverage cans than any other product
There is NO limit to the amount of times an aluminum can can be recycled
80,000,000,000 – number of cans used every year
A 60-watt light bulb can be run for over a day on the amount of energy saved by recycling 1 pound of steel.
Go Green! Make a conscious effort to save water as it’s our most essential resource.
Go Green Facts –

Glass can be recycled forever
Mining and transporting raw materials for glass produces about 385 pounds of waste for every ton of glass that is made. If recycled glass is substituted for half of the raw materials, the waste is cut by more than 80%.
Recycling 1 glass bottle causes 20% less air pollution and 50% less water pollution than when a new bottle is made from raw materials
1 glass bottle would take at least 4,000 years to decompose
In 1994, if all the glass bottles / jars were laid end to end, it would reach the moon and half way back to earth!
Every month, Americans throw out enough glass bottles and jars to fill up a skyscraper
Go Green Facts –

The average American will throw 600 times their weight (90,000 lbs or 47.5 tons) in the garbage over their lifetime! Go green, the majority of that trash is recyclable.
Compact Flourescent (CF) bulbs use about 1/4 the energy to produce the same amount of light as a traditional incandescent bulb.
ENERGY STAR equipment uses an average 65% less electricity than standard models.
Printer cartridges take about 450 years to decompose, so Go Green and recycle.
The 1st recycling program was introduced in NYC in the 1890s.
1/3 of an average landfill is made up of packaging material
LEED Existing Building

Facts –
This section is broken down into 5 segments

Sustainable Sites/Homes

According to the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), nearly 43% of America’s energy resources are used for transportation.
According to the APTA, for every passenger mile traveled, public transportation emits 95% less carbon monoxide, 92% fewer VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds) and almost 50% less carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides than private vehicles.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2006 an estimated 24% of all workers in the U.S. used alternative forms of transportation, such as carpooling, walking, telecommuting, and public transportation.
Using native or adaptive plants typically use less water and chemical fertilizers than non-native or exotic plants.
According to the U.S. EPA, storm-water has been identified as a major source of pollution for all types of water bodies in the U.S.
According to the U.S. EPA, ambient temperatures in urban areas are artificially increased anywhere from 1-10 degrees compared with surrounding areas.
According to the USGBC, heat islands exacerbate air pollution, including smog, and increase cooling requirements, in turn increasing energy demand and emissions.
According to the USGBC, light trespass from poorly designed outdoor lighting systems can affect the night sky and nocturnal animals.
Water Efficiency- Go Green

According to the Energy Information System, Water heating in commercial buildings accounts for nearly 15% of building energy use.
According to the USGBC, lower potable water use for toilets, showerheads, faucets, and other plumbing fixtures reduces water withdrawn from underground aquifers and from rivers, streams, and other waterbodies that support aquatic ecosystems.
According to Anne Vazquez, Cooling tower systems are large consumers of water for a facility, with approximately 3 gallons of water per minute needed for each ton of refrigeration the system must provide.
Energy, Environment & Atmosphere

According to the US Department of Energy, properly executed O&M programs that target energy efficiency have been shown to save 5%-20% on energy bills without significant capital investments.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and Hydrofluorocarbons (HCFCs) deplete the ozone layer and cause Global Warming. Go green and reduce the usage of CFCs and HCFCs.
According to the US EPA, Simon Property Group implemented a Web-based tracking tool for energy use. Between 2004-2005 Simon cut 6.8% of their electricity use compared to 2003 and saved 84,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions (enough electricity to power nearly 10,800 US homes for a year).

Monday, June 14, 2010


So a few weeks ago my daughter and I spent a day sewing up bean bags and filling them with about 7 year old pinto beans that my mother in law had. We had lots of fun and plus we now have a bean bag toss which is awesome for learning coordination skills, and fun to boot!

So yesterday my husband points out to me that there is a small sprout coming up in the pot where our mini palm tree is planted.. After pondering and wondering what this mysterious plant could be, when the plant finally came up enough we descovered that it was a pinto bean!! So this surprise has excited me to learn about pinto bean plants and also it is now part of my garden! Thanks to my daughter who was throwing pinto beans like it was snowing, I now have a something fun and exciting!

Things I use instead of plastic!

Here is a list of things that I use instead of plastic:

1. These re-usable stainless steel water bottles go everywhere with me and it saves all the tons of plastic bottles that I would probably throw away in place. I got the big ones for $4 each at walmart, and the little one unfortunatley cost me $17 at starbucks, but where I live I couldn't find anything else.

2. I use jars from spaghetti sauce, pickles ect.. For my leftovers and many other things.

3. I bring my own shopping bags instead of using the plastic ones from the store.

4. I plan to make a set of these soon, but you can make a little pouch and keep spoon, fork, napkin, ect.. in it instead of using the plastc silverware that most resturaunts use.

5. I use an electric shaver instead of the throw away plasic ones.

6. Bring your own take home container when you eat out.

7. And for the conclusion, I always find things to do with my old plastic so I am not tossing it to add to the pollution problems..

Farmers Market findings.

My first trip to the farmers market went well I'd say.
I got 4 ears of corn, a bunch of raspberries, 1 green pepper, 5 tomatoes, and a bar of beesewax all for 13 dollars. Not to mention the free re-usable shopping bag, a great time, and a nice morning walk in the sun!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Make it yourself!

Baby things made easy:
When I had my first child I got everything I needed from my baby shower, and now that we'd like to have another there are a few things that I'd like to have that I didn't the first time. But to save money and be resourceful, I asked my sister in law if she had any extra fabric. To my surprise she did and was willing to share it. So I set out to make my own boppy pillow even though we are not expecting, I figure it will still be worth it in the long run. In the picture I also have a bib that still needs strings and a burp cloth that I thought was cute. I love making my own things and to me I treasure them more than just normal stuff. If you want to know how make the pillow here is a link... http://www.sleepingbaby.net/jan/Baby/pillow.html

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Local Farmers Markets

Farmers Market

The farmers market is a great way to get locally grown foods for cheap and mostly free of pesticides, and if you live where I do, it is something to get excited about! My local farmers market starts tomorrow, and I am about to jump for joy! I plan to buy lots of corn and can it,(among many other things). I am hoping to find some local beeswax bars so I can make some of my own cosmetics, and much more! Not only is buying from a farmers market benefiting the community but also healthier for you and the enviroment. Don't love when you can accomplish all of your goals at one place? You can even bring your own bag for all the produce you buy. To top it all off you can do this kind of shopping completly plastic free!

The Switch
The switch from plastic to healthier alternatives, was a big step for me and my family. When I had found out about how harmful plastic could be I immediately began my switch, I now only have a few plastic things in my home left and I save all of my jars and canning jars for things like leftovers, dehydrated foods, sending my husbands lunch and the list could go on for pages. After I ran across this video (following), I made even more changes in my houshold.
These changes included using re-usable bags, and produce bags, changing what I buy at the store and deciding to switch from disposable diapers to cloth! The images that video showed are forever imprinted in my brain and my changes will be forever.