Sunday, October 24, 2010

Turn the tv off already!

I have actually had enough of tv time, and clearly so has my daughter.  We have been cutting back more and more, and it has been such a relife, my sweet little girl then fills her time singing songs and making up games of her own. But low and behold the second that tv switches on she's like night and day and is instantly a little monster screaming her demands at us and expecting us to be her personal maids. I won't have it anymore. A little is fine maybe not everyday, some technology I belive is good for kids to have some contact with considering the world we live in here in the US. But not like I see everyday. People just flip on the tv and it babysits their kids, there are children who enter kindergarden not knowing their colors or what the ABC's are even.

I have taken an oathe to not be one of these people. Granted there may not be many, but when do your kids have time to use their imagination if they are glued to the tv?  What about people skills, as far as some kids know, they learned it all from tv. Anyways there is my rant for the day. I am just saying:

Spend time outside
Let them help prepare meals
Do crafts like coloring
Read to them
Teach them to clean up toys and wash hands
Play together

Having a schedule of when you eat and such helps kids a lot, they know that something will happen , keeping them from being completely bored. 

Here we are in our reading fort :)

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