Friday, October 29, 2010

12 week ultrasound!

The baby was just chillen with one arm behind the head and sucking it's thumb! Legs all kicked back. Not really moving but we could see the heart beating! I am thirteen weeks and two days now!

I don't really have much else to say today, as I am kinda cranky.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Turn the tv off already!

I have actually had enough of tv time, and clearly so has my daughter.  We have been cutting back more and more, and it has been such a relife, my sweet little girl then fills her time singing songs and making up games of her own. But low and behold the second that tv switches on she's like night and day and is instantly a little monster screaming her demands at us and expecting us to be her personal maids. I won't have it anymore. A little is fine maybe not everyday, some technology I belive is good for kids to have some contact with considering the world we live in here in the US. But not like I see everyday. People just flip on the tv and it babysits their kids, there are children who enter kindergarden not knowing their colors or what the ABC's are even.

I have taken an oathe to not be one of these people. Granted there may not be many, but when do your kids have time to use their imagination if they are glued to the tv?  What about people skills, as far as some kids know, they learned it all from tv. Anyways there is my rant for the day. I am just saying:

Spend time outside
Let them help prepare meals
Do crafts like coloring
Read to them
Teach them to clean up toys and wash hands
Play together

Having a schedule of when you eat and such helps kids a lot, they know that something will happen , keeping them from being completely bored. 

Here we are in our reading fort :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My 8 week Ultrasound pics!

I am posting them here so that I don't have to have them all over facebook! Enjoy!

The baby was head down and had a nice strong heartbeat of 173 :)

I am now 11 weeks and will be posting my 12 week photos soon!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The pregnant womans guide to a quickly clean house..

1. Pick up toys
2. Vaccume
3. Do dishes
4. Sweep floor
5. Spot clean floors
6. Light a candle

This is my guide to having a quickly clean house when you get a phone call that family will be dropping in on you! It's amazing what these steps will do!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Caramel apple muffins

Caramel apple muffins

2 C. all-purpose flour

3/4 C. granulated sugar

1/4 C. (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, melted

2 1/2 t. cinnamon

2 t. baking powder

1/2 t. salt

1 egg, lightly beaten

1 C. milk

1 1/2 t. vanilla extract

1/2 C. apples, peeled and finely diced

3/4 C. diced caramel candy squares (about 12)

Preheat oven to 350° F. Grease muffin tins or line with paper cups.

In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon and salt.

In another bowl, combine egg and milk. Stir in butter and vanilla extract. Add flour mixture and stir just to blend. Stir in apples and caramels. Divide batter evenly among prepared cups. Bake for 25 minutes or until tops spring back when lightly pressed. Serve warm.

Makes 12 muffins.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Being pregnant!

While on the path to becoming a green family, you run into roadblocks. And yes I have definately hit a roadblock. When you imagine being pregnant you see yourself eating right, excersising, preparing in general for the arrival of baby! At least that was the plan. The next thing you know your pregnant and puking, anything you love to eat is totally revolting and the smell of just about anything sends you running to the bathroom. At this point in time anything that sounds good will be the only thing you can keep down, "at least it's something" you think. And while doctors agree that when having nausea that anything you eat (disregarding sweets) is ok for now until it subsides. So you tell yourself "it's ok" over and over. Weeks later you start to wonder, " this can't be good". When will it ever end?

It finally starts to go away you feel better about being able to eat a salad again. And this is where I am now. It's like starting all over, as far as eating right goes, and the excersise... well that will be even more of a work in progress.

So right now with small boughts of nausea, I can finally start eating better for me, my baby, and my family! I will post some new recipes soon :) Thanks for reading!

Friday, October 1, 2010

I know I know, It's been forever!

Sorry about the drop off in posts, I promise to better here soon! I have to announce that I am pregnant with my second baby! So thats why I haven't been around but in a few weeks I should be better and be more able to post! Thanks!