Friday, April 1, 2011

Dreaming of a better world:

The more I read, the more I want to be an extreme eco friendly family. My life is so surrounded by consumption, tv's, crap food, trash, and much more that I can't even stand to live this way anymore. Every moment I live the more I want to live away from it all. I sometimes wish it would all go away. I wish I could run away to an eco villiage and play my part with my knowlege to help a community that wants the same things as me. I am I wrong to feel this way, or is the way the world is turning out making you sick too? The animals and trees sacrificed every day without a choice, it's really sad. And while I will probably always eat meat, I don't think the animals should have to live in vain. We are making the rest of the world suffer for our own convienince, for our laziness. Who are we to do these things to the earth that provides us with our every need to live? Every second another animals life has been taken, not by nature but by cruelty, and injustice. It is not appreciated, you know even the natives would hold a ceremony to celebrate the life that was taken. Every second another tree is cut.

Truth is, we have the technology to change it. We are smart enough to know that this is wrong, and not what life should be like.

Do you dread the schedule every day? I haven't heard many people say they were excited to go to work. But the way we should live is by doing what we love, we each have an amazing talent that in a community could sustain it. For example, I know about sewing, soap making, even gardening. Other people know a lot about illness, and building, the possibilities of what one person has to offer is endless.

I might sound off my rocker but I have always dreamt of the world this way, and I know I am not the only one. Thats why I am here, I am here to make the difference I was meant to. I feel like my lifes pourpose has a bigger meaning than I know at this point in time. But when it comes I will embrace it, Willingly and unashamed of who I am.


  1. I love you, Britt :) I'm so happy that somebody else in my life agrees with me on this. I think one of your purposes is to change things about the way most people live. Together we can change the world!!

  2. Thanks for being such a wonderful pal, I don't feel so alone, and maybe with just us we can mamake a difference. Lets change the world!
