Sunday, August 15, 2010

Berry picking!

I think it is very important for our children know where our food comes from. Then they can appreciate it more. We went to a friends house who a lot of raspberry bushes behind his house. Which is amazing. And we picked away! After all that work though, we were rewarded with a delicious healhty snack. It doesn't get any better than this :)

What a fantastic thing for a child to learn :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Get excited

This is way cool, I encourage you to check this out.

I have always wanted to take my daughter ouside and do some star gazing, especially now that she is a little older. The stars are also a part of nature I'd like for my daughter to learn about and this website is a good place to start.  And I think where we live it will be even better! Check it out:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Becoming a raw foodist:

This seems more and more appealing to me everyday. I think about the health of my child, and my family. And even future children I could have. Think about how people used to live. Cooking was not an option. When people ate raw they lived longer, and had less health problems... All I am saying is do a search about it and read other peoples stories see how inspiring it is...

Check out my new blog:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My garden's first yeild:

Yeah I know in August, lol we have a short growing season up here in the mountains, this is my first garden ever and it took 3 trys to get anything going, especially with late frosts in the early spring, but I got my first yeild :)   Sugar snap pea pods :)

Monday, August 9, 2010


We go boating at least once a year and it's one of our favorite things to do.. I have to say not as eco friendly as we would like, but at the same time, it reminds us to slow down and take time with the family :)

On the shore checking things out.

My loves :-)

We did quite a bit of swimming, which was nice!

We had a great time bonding with the family and enjoying the beautiful, not too hot weather!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

23 things of going green I'd like to achive by the end of November:

1. Complete the 20 days of no processed foods.
2. Do the yoga challenge.
3. Go for a day hike.
4. Start a compost.
5. Dehydrate snacks for the winter.
6. Get pregnant. :-)
7. Complete eating all raw foods, except dinner. (big step for the family as a whole)
8. Clean out the house, of clutter and all toxins like cleaners ect..
9. Watch less tv.
10. Less computer time.
11. Homemade gifts for the family christmas.
12. Make a raw recipe book.
13. Teach my daughter more about nature.
14. Help close famliy acomplish some of their goals.
15. Meditate every morning.
16. Journal my dreams after each night.
17. Plan next years garden.
18. Use eco friendly beauty products.
19. Plan a vactation.
20. Learn more about natural parenting, and using my intuition.
21. Celebrate the earths milestones, like full moon, and seasons..
22. Keep up our own family traditions.
23. Last but not least, keep an open mind and learn from my mistakes, keeping the positive at heart :) Did I mention do more photography? It's a passion of mine.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Today I want to talk about letting things be. Life will do what it will and you have to allow it! By fighting what is supposed to happen only causes more friction. Yeah some things might be painful but it is life filtering out what doesn't need to be. You never have loss and gain, it just is. I guess what I am getting at is let nature take course and do what you feel is right, let your intuition step in and set your ego aside. If you let in the things you want, your life will be better.  There's my rant for the day.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Natural parenting post #2:

Whining :

Ways to deal with the whiny child:

First things first...
Whining is a Symptom

Second: Find the root cause of the whine.

Common Reasons Kids Whine:

      Whining Works – Do you allow them to whine? By giving into the whine, your allowing it!

      Whining Manipulates the Parents Emotions

       Poor Adult Role Modeling – Do you whine? They just might be imitating someone they look up too.

        Lack of Sleep – Enough said!

Make a Simple Statement – When kids whine, say, “I’ll listen when you talk in a calm voice”. The most important part of this solution is follow through. Take the time to wait until you child uses a calm voice. This may take lots of repetition and practice at first.

You can also find the patients for them, they might be whining because your ignoring them!

Remember love and kindness goes a long way with children!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What do you do on a rainy day?

Grab any beans, rice, macaroni, anything and let them go to town! And when they get bored with this, get out some glue and paper and make a picture! You can also do counting and sorting. So far my daughter is loving it! We also use beans and fill up bean bags we have sewn, they make a great bean bag toss or put in freezer to heal those little owies :) Get creative, have fun!